Shipping & Delivery

Shipping to United States 

We charge a flat rate to ship our product to the United States continental, and all products shall arrive within one week after ordering. 

Shipping to Canada & Australia

We charge a flat rate to ship our product to Canada & Australia to provide a better service to our customers.

However, customer is responsible for paying any potential tariff that might occur. We will ship our product right after a customer's order, and please check your email for tracking information to find out the delivery time and tariff information.

Please be aware that an unpaid tariff may result in the product being held at Canada Customer or returned, and customer is responsible for all the actual shipping/returning costs (which might be higher than the flat rate we charged).

Shipping to South East Asia countries

We charge International Shipping fee to ship to South East Asia countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore & Philippines.

Shipping to Europe & Other Countries

If you are interested in purchasing our product in any other country, please send an email to us at for more information.